Android Phone

4 sessions of 2.5 hours

Students are encouraged to bring their Android phone to class.

In this class, you will learn about settings, camera, email, web browsing, calendar, music and apps on your Android device. You will also learn how to customize your device, send texts, organize your pictures and much more. All these tools and functions will help you make the most of your phone.

Lesson 1: Setup and Calling

In this first class, you will learn how to find and change your device’s settings and learn how to navigate the various screens. You will be shown how to customize your sounds, screens and also move and delete icons. We will also go over phone calls and setting up your contacts. Students are encouraged to bring their devices to class.

Lesson 2: Pictures, E-mail and Texting

In this class, you will learn how to get the most out of e-mailing and texting with your Android device. We will also go over using it as a camera. You can take pictures, videos and set up your photo gallery. We will also show how to get the most out of your camera by zooming, using the flash, editing, and showing your pictures as a slideshow.

Lesson 3: Web Browsing, Calendar and Maps

In this class, you will be setting up your calendar, and shown how to write notes and ‘to do’ lists. Furthermore, you will learn how to use your device to browse the Internet. Your Android phone can help you all day long as you look up information quickly to help you in your daily activities. We will also go over Google maps, so you will never get lost, and can navigate to restaurants, gas stations, etc.

Lesson 4: Music and Apps

Apps are what help to make your phone such a useful tool. You will be shown the Google store and some of the most popular and useful apps available. There are apps for everything: Facebook, LinkedIn, Newsday, NY Times, Evernote, Pandora, and many more. You can also use your device to play your own stored music. You will wonder how you ever got along without your Smartphone by the end of this class.

The SeniorNet Advantage

Hands-on instruction● Individual attention● One student per computer
● Manuals included● Friendly atmosphere● Seniors teaching seniors