iPhone: Getting Started

2 sessions of 2.5 hours each

Students are encouraged to bring their charged iPhone to class.

Starting from scratch or taking this course as a refresher you’ll gain confidence using an iPhone. Basic subjects covered are communicating with others using the phone, email, and text messages, and using Safari (Apple’s internet browser). Building on this, we will cover using voicemail and contacts (the address book), as well as downloading and organizing apps. In short, this two-lesson class will give you confidence in using this incredible device.

Lesson 1: Basic Settings, Operation, Contacts, Email & Messages

In this first class, you will get the basics of how to operate your iPhone and the settings that will help it become most useful to you. You will learn how to move and delete icons, several ways to make phone calls, send emails, text messages, and set up your contacts.

Lesson 2: Great Apps & Safari

Apps are what put the “smart” in the smartphone. In this session, you will learn how to use the apps that come pre-installed on the iPhone, and how to search for, download and manage some of the many apps that are available. Learn how to surf the Internet using Safari, Apple’s browser, and save your favorite bookmarks.

The SeniorNet Advantage

Hands-on instruction● Individual attention● One student per computer
● Manuals included● Friendly atmosphere● Seniors teaching seniors